Upcoming Event

April 7-11 | 9am 3pm
HSED Boot Camp/
Rising Sun Education Center
Get you High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED/GED) in as little as a week. You only have to attend one week of classes (if you pass all tests).
Must be 16 years old
Exit form required under 18 day 1 or before
Must attend all 5 days
Need a valid Indiana ID
Prior registration is encouraged
Weather permitting
The next classes are scheduled for March 3-7, April 7-11, May 12-16, and June 9-13 from 9 AM to 3 PM.
River Valley Resources
Education Center of Rising Sun, 591 Smart Dr, Rising Sun, IN 47040. Call Heidi to register today at 765-265-4129.
April 12 | 9am-11am
Brunch with the Easter Bunny/
Jane's Kids
Hop on over to River Terrace Health Campus 4th floor dining room for festive Easter brunch and photos with the Easter Bunny. Enjoy a special visit with live bunnies courtesy of the Jefferson County 4H member. Proceeds Benefit the Jane's Kids program.
Proceeds Benefit the Jane's Kids program.
Purchase tickets online bit.ly/JKBrunchBunny or visit the Clearinghouse of Jefferson County (Madison, IN) or visit the Clearinghouse at the River Valley Resources, Inc. building. You will be able to purchase tickets during the brunch.