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Megan Duncan

She attended River Valley Resources Adult Education classes with Barbara Moore in Salem, Indiana

​My name is Megan Duncan, and I attended River Valley Resources Adult Education classes with Barbara Moore in Salem, Indiana. Starting this journey was a challenging experience. I was fresh out of an abusive marriage, terrified, and desperately looking for hope. During the marriage, I had lost all faith in having a future.

Shortly after leaving my marriage, I met my boyfriend, who recommended Barbara as a teacher after attending her class a few years earlier. Encouraged by his recommendation, I contacted River Valley Resources about starting adult education classes. In no time, I was registered and attending classes. It was both exciting and scary at the same time.

When I met Barbara, she was so warm and welcoming. She immediately made me feel like everything would be okay—and it was.

From the start, I threw myself into studying and learning. However, I faced a few hurdles along the way. I had to balance work, recover from getting sick, and helping family. Despite these challenges, I stayed committed to my goal. I kept studying, asking for help with lessons I didn’t understand, and requesting extra material to review and practice.

After months of hard work, the time finally came to take the HiSET exam. I was ecstatic but also nervous. I doubted myself, wondering if I was smart enough to pass. 

But guess what? I passed all five sections on my very first attempt—and with great scores! My persistence and dedication paid off, and I couldn’t be prouder of myself.

My Success Story

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