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Richard (Rick) Stokes

Almost every day, River Valley Resources HR Manager Lisa Farris walks to work. She eventually noticed a fellow walker took the same route she did daily, and she struck up a conversation with him. Farris found out that the man, Richard, was struggling to find a job because he has some physical challenges in addition to a recent criminal charge. So, whenever Farris would see him, they would walk to the Clearinghouse and chat about working and life. Richard would come to the Clearinghouse neighbor (Community Corrections) to check in with his probation officer. In the meantime, RVR had just acquired the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), and Lisa was heavily involved in getting that program organized and started behind the scenes. In one of their conversations, Richard mentioned to Lisa that despite being 66 years old, he was as fit as a fiddle and loved working hard. Lisa became excited because she realized that RVR's new SCSEP program may be able to help him get a job. She told him all about the program, and she gave him the name of the case manager. Richard called and immediately got on the list for potential clients. At the same time, RVR staffers housed at the Clearinghouse had decided the janitor service we've been using wasn't really keeping the building as clean and tidy as needed. We also found out that one of the jobs SCSEP can offer is light janitorial training. We are thrilled to say that because of Lisa's dedication to her job and to helping people in all walks of their life, Richard (who we all call Rick), is now our regular, onsite janitor at the CH. He works daily keeping the building neat, tidy and disinfected. Tenants have commented on how clean things are and how our offices smell clean, as well. He is happy, and we are happy.

My Success Story

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